Facebook game

Power Up Your Facebook Game With These 10 Amazing Tips

Staying active on Facebook is a big deal for business, a blog, or any brand. With millions of users staying on the platform, it’s a big missed opportunity if you don’t stay in the loop and start a Facebook page.


Of course, having a Facebook page is just the beginning. If you want a page to be successful, you need to follow these important tips.


1. Keep it short and sweet

People are more likely to engage with a post that’s concise and to the point. When people reach your page, they don’t want to read through chunks and chunks of text. In fact, they might not even be engaged with the post if they have to click “See More” to see its entirety.


There’s no exact “best number of words” for a Facebook post. However, you should keep the ideas straight to the point and avoid fluff as much as you can.


2. Use strong visuals

A great image or video can really make your post stand out. Posts with pure texts are going to look boring and are best reserved for personal Facebook accounts.


The best way to catch the attention of your audience is by making sure that your posts are accompanied by amazing photos or videos.


3. Write catchy headlines

Your headline should be attention-grabbing and make people want to read more. The headline is typically more important than the visual images. Remember, some images and videos take time to load. However, people are going to see the texts on your post almost immediately.


4. Use questions and calls to action

Facebook posts are supposed to generate engagement. Asking questions or including a call to action in your post can encourage people to interact with your content.


Don’t make them work too hard to engage with the post. Asking them simple questions or asking them to comment with short answers are going to be effective at increasing post engagements.


5. Share interesting and relevant news stories

People don’t expect to see outdated stories on your page. Do you also think they want to see irrelevant content? Say you’re running a food blog. A tech review out of nowhere doesn’t really fit, does it?


Keeping your audience up-to-date on current events is a great way to engage them in the discussion. Create posts that are valuable to your audience.


6. Share behind-the-scenes content

People love getting a peek into what goes on behind the scenes of your business. It builds trust between you and your customers. It’s also a fun way of letting your audience in on the brand so they feel like they’re a part of it.


7. Offer exclusive deals and discounts

Who doesn’t love a great deal? Offering exclusive discounts to your Facebook followers is a great way to show your appreciation.


It’s also a good way to generate more buzz about your Facebook page. These might seem like a costly deal but you’re going to make a lot of sales this way.


8. Host a contest or giveaway

Contests and giveaways are always popular on social media, so this is a great way to increase engagement.


Facebook is set to turn off live selling features later this year. Make sure to use the feature while you can as it’s a good way to reach out to your fans directly.


9. Live stream events and announcements

If you’ve got something big happening, live streaming it on Facebook is a great way to get people involved.


Whether it’s a small or a big event, your followers are going to appreciate the effort you take to include them in the update.


10. Use Facebook Insights to see what’s working (and what’s not)

Facebook Insights is a powerful tool that can help you track your posts’ engagement and reach. Data matters A LOT for businesses. It helps you create strategies that are going to be more cost-efficient for your brand.


The good news is that Facebook Insights is intuitive so you don’t need to go to extended lengths to find out what you’re doing right or wrong.


These 10 tips can help you level up your Facebook game significantly. Remember to stay consistent with your posts as well as those on the platform love seeing high-quality content from the brands that they follow regularly.